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  • February 15Feb. 15 - WIAA Boys Swimming Sectional, Noon (NMS Natatorium)
  • February 13Feb. 13 - Boys Hockey vs. Wausau West, 7 p.m. (Fox Cities Champion Center)
  • February 11Feb. 11 - NJSD Choral Festival (Grades 7-12), 7 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


By showing compassion, we can make this school year the best one we've ever had.

Letter From the Editor: The Best Year Yet

Emilee Wise, Editor-in-Chief September 17, 2018

Per usual, no matter how hard we dug in our heels and begged Time for “just one more day,” the school year has, inevitably, arrived just as punctually as ever. I have experienced my fair share of...

Salutes and Slams: Week of Sept. 10

Salutes and Slams: Week of Sept. 10

September 12, 2018

Slams: Chromebooks arrived late, causing stress for students and teachers. John Underwood, nationally acclaimed speaker, underwhelms students. Absence of needed staff in library. Loud announcements...

Letter to Students: SBG Enlightened

Sydney Krajnik, Guest Writer May 23, 2018

My Fellow Students: The switch to standards based grading, a very controversial change, has become widely spread throughout the US, but not many people have much knowledge about what it really means....

Letter to Students: SBG Benefits Students

Mason Meacham, Guest Writer May 23, 2018

Dear Fellow Students: Standards Based Grading. I recognize that those three words leave a sour taste in the mouths of most students. I too very much expected to be writing an essay in opposition of...

Letter to Students: Awareness of Human Trafficking

Kimberly Reese, Guest Writer May 23, 2018

Dear Student Body: As you grow up, there are some ways you stay out of harm. By looking behind you and checking your surroundings. But, there are some where looking around was not enough. Where life...

Letter to Students: Advocate of SBG

Carson Lisowe, Guest Writer May 23, 2018

Dear Students: A common misconception of students is that standards based grading will be the end of the world. Well, I am telling you that it is not. Trust me, I was in the same boat as you for a while,...

Letter to Students: Address Levels of Stress

Dominic Briske, Guest Writer May 21, 2018

Dear NHS Students: With a serious lack of sleep, decreased self esteem, and a strong sense of anxiety, students in America are not suffering from some sort of mental illness, but are being crushed under...

Letter From the Editor: Leaving a Legacy

Letter From the Editor: Leaving a Legacy

Emily Roberts, Editor-in-Chief May 20, 2018

Stepping into room 134 on the first day of my junior year felt incredibly daunting. After considering a career in journalism and communications, my mother pushed me to go out for the school paper. When...

Letter to Administration: Standards Based Grading Hurts Schools

Zachary Nunamaker, Guest Writer May 18, 2018

Dear Administration: Standards based grading was supposed to revolutionize the way we grade; Unfortunately, this was a good idea that was poorly executed.Standards based grading was supposed to be a...

Letter to Students and Staff: Appeal for Less Homework

Dylan Romzek, Guest Writer May 18, 2018

Dear Students and Staff: Timmy is your average freshman student athlete. He has practice every day after school until 5:30 p.m. When he gets home around 6 o’clock, he eats a quick meal with his family...

Letter to Faculty: Collect Phones to Avoid Distraction

Trinity Grimes, Guest Writer May 18, 2018

Dear NHS Faculty: “Put your phone away” has become a sentence uttered far too often by teachers in our schools today. Time and time again through almost every class, teachers are having to fight...

Letter to Student Body: Extracurriculars Improve Facets of Life

Elizabeth Vitale, Guest Writer May 18, 2018

Dear Student Body: Every child remembers being told to eat their vegetables, their parents claiming the food will help them grow up big and strong. As we grow older, we eventually find out that this...

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