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The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


Letter to Editor: Lengthen School Lunches

Joe Delaney, Student of Journalism December 29, 2016

Dear Editor:   Most of us can agree that school lunches are less than delectable. Many upperclassmen also feel the pinch when running out to get food and running back trying to beat the bell. Neenah...

Letter to the Editor: Erosion of Trust

Brexton Bostwick, Student of Journalism December 29, 2016

Dear Editor:   The NHS administration has made drastic changes on how this school operates. Four years ago when I was a freshman, NHS was a free place -- a place many enjoyed being.  Juniors and seniors...

Editorial: Revisiting the NHS Release Policy

Basil Eastman-Kiesow, Student of Journalism December 29, 2016

The decision at NHS to implement harsher release policies has thus far been met with major scrutiny from the student body. Many of us do not understand the need to implement such policies, or in fact why...

Review of 4 Your Eyez Only J. Cole

Review of 4 Your Eyez Only J. Cole

Ike Miller, Music Reviewer December 29, 2016

In March 2016 Swat members swarmed a house in the suburbs of North Carolina. Within seconds, the door to the house was bashed in and officers began to enter. According to the producer Elite, helicopters...

Letter to Editor: More Water Filling Stations

Emily Smock, Student of Journalism December 29, 2016

Dear Editor: According to the Container Recycling Institute (CRI), 60 million plastic water bottles are thrown away every day. Of these bottles, 80% will end up in a landfill according to

Cel and Rachel guide you through discovered secrets for your college applications.

Column: Serving Others to Serve Yourself

Rachel Terry and Cel Krause December 29, 2016

College applicants spend hours and hours writing one essay after another. The key to college admission, however, is not only GPA and ACT/SAT scores, but also community involvement. describes...

Movie Review: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Movie Review: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

John Zwick, Movie Reviewer December 29, 2016

Last year, Star Wars: The Force Awakens soared to the top of box office charts, earning, according to Forbes, $758 million in less than a month. The film won widespread critical acclaim for its reboot...

The largest room in the museum houses some of the most popular sculptures among the museum goers. One sign simply states: “it is what it is” by Jacob Fishman.

Review: Shining a Light on Local Art Exhibition

Ellie Callahan, Reviewer December 29, 2016

Chronic boredom is so pervasive among local teens it seems like a sickness. Sighs can be heard in the NHS halls, bold statements of “there’s never anything to do in Neenah” are plastered across social...

Letter to Editor: Prom Venue Matters

Arianna Robles, Student of Journalism December 29, 2016

Dear Editor:   Prom is supposed to be a sensational day – a day of creating memories! Some spend all day and some even months preparing for the big day. That is why this special event should never...

Letter to the Editor: Students Need Sleep

BaJie Vang, Student of Journalism December 28, 2016

Dear Editor:       Sleep is a constant cycle, which occurs every 90 minutes as we fall into REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep. This constant alternating cycle...

Phone reminders are valuable when it comes to accomplishing tasks.

Column: End the New Year’s Resolution Stigma

Emily Roberts, Columnist December 28, 2016

The crystal-covered, LED-filled ball’s drop in Times Square, NY will ring in 2017 before we know it. Many of us have already purchased confetti poppers, whistles and gaudy New Years' themed glasses...

Column:  How To Make Music At Home

Column: How To Make Music At Home

Nick Morrissey, Music Columnist December 28, 2016

Chancelor Bennett, better known by his stage name and musical moniker Chance The Rapper is well known for his unique and charmingly positive approach to hip-hop, but he is perhaps known even more for his...

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