Neenah’s community welcomes 7 new inductees during Saturday, October 5, 2024 Hall of Fame Banquet at Neenah High School’s Atrium and Performing Arts Center.

Colette (Goudreau) Murphy, Alvin Long, Wayne Salzmann, Warren Schuknecht, Wilson Scribner, Bob Totten, and Frank Wiesner were all inducted at this year’s Hall of Fame Banquet. Joining the already 49 members inducted.
As Dr. Steve Harrison, the new NJSD Superintendent said that these new inducted members: “Serves as a powerful reminder of what we are all capable of together”.
Along with the inductees, the Neenah High School Touch of Class (TOC) Orchestra was able to serenade the banquet.
Colette (Goudreau) Murphy graduated from Neenah High School in 1983. Murphy was known as a female distance runner still holding the record for cross country here at Neenah High School. Working with Nike and was able to go to the Olympic trials in Indianapolis, setting a record of 32.6 seconds in the 10,000 meter run. Now she helps other students with their running career’s in Indianapolis.
Alvin Long was hired in 1961 – 1966 at Horace Mann, then moved to Shattuck Middle School from 1966-1975 where he was a principal at both schools. In 1975 – 1990 Mr. Long taught math to students at Shattuck. Then in 1982 Long was named middle school district teacher of the year. Long passed away in September of 2023 at the age of 92 and his son, Tom Long represented him by saying how Long; “loved his students”.
Wayne Salzmann graduated from Neenah High School in 2002. He formed a group called “The Northern Lights” band, which later on changed to “The Lights band”. Salzmann wrote a book titled, Developing melodic language on the drums. As of the age of 16 Salzmann was teaching other kids how to play the drums as a job. Salzman has performed at places like Carnegie Hall in New York City.
Warren Schuknecht began teaching in 1954 as a world history teacher. While Schuknecht traveled the world he found a new passion for helping and making people aware of parasitic eye issues, especially in African tribes. He passed away in 2008 and Don Schultz represented him by saying, “He wasn’t my history teacher, but he opened the world to me”.
Will Scribner was a teacher at Neenah High School between 1963-1993. Teaching social studies and economics. While he traveled the world Scribner was able to work and learn many valuable lessons on a farm in Denmark. In the year of 1993 he won outstanding social studies teacher and Neenah High School teacher of the year in 1977. He was President of the Neenah Education Association for two years and Vice President for the Council of Wisconsin Social Studies.
Bob Totten has been in the Neenah Joint School District since 1972. He has coached over 130 different seasons, coaching football, basketball, track and field. In 1997, Totten won the state’s assistant coach of the year award by the Wisconsin Football Coaches Association. Retiring from his social studies career in 2003, Totten still to this year coaches the girls basketball team as head coach and assistant coach for track and field.
Lastly, but certainly not least, Frank Wiesner graduated from Neenah High School in 1952. Lettering in football, basketball and tennis along with his involvement in Badger Boys State and student council. Working 25 years at Webex Inc. starting in 1971. Wiesner joined the Neenah Joint School District Board of Education in 1978 serving on the team til 1983, with three of those years as president. Wiesner passed away in 2007 at the age of 72 and was represented by his wife, Marilyn Wiesner.
During the Hall of Fame Banquet we were able to recognize and appreciate some of the many people who have shaped this district for the better.