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  • February 15Feb. 15 - WIAA Boys Swimming Sectional, Noon (NMS Natatorium)
  • February 13Feb. 13 - Boys Hockey vs. Wausau West, 7 p.m. (Fox Cities Champion Center)
  • February 11Feb. 11 - NJSD Choral Festival (Grades 7-12), 7 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


Poetry: Oh My Darling

Kennedi Lulloff, Student Contributor January 23, 2019

Oh my darling   A challenge that cannot be defeated A head wave that cannot be treaded A weight that cannot be lifted A quest that cannot be beat A cut that cannot be healed   Oh...

Poetry: What Am I

Kennedi Lulloff, Student Contributor January 23, 2019

Society defines me as beautiful, what am i Society defines me as inadequate, who am i   if looks are liars, what am i If looks are fools   Losing my identity in the war of beauty,...

For the Tired Student

Elizabeth Gartland, Student Writer February 19, 2018

Yeah life can get rough Somedays you just want to give up But on those days remember you are tough On those days you might have to tell your brain to just shut up Yeah there are definite mood...

The Writing Effect

Elizabeth Gartland, Student Writer February 19, 2018

A pen and paper kind of user. Puts the earbuds in and finds a comfy seat. Listens to the kind of music they find real neat. Bopping their head along to that familiar beat. A pen and paper kind...

Please Tell Society

Marissa Hart, Assistant Editor-in-Chief February 21, 2017

Please tell society I love my body If given a chance to trade I'd say why betray? The one who's fought to heal my cuts To take in oxygen and release thoughts Of dreams and hopes where...

Old Soul

Marissa Hart, Assistant Editor-in-Chief February 21, 2017

I am an old soul Stuck in a new generation With technology eyes And fake smiles Flustered by the black air While it coats my lungs Drowning in a mucus of the old I am an old soul wanting...

If Only He Knew

Marissa Hart, Assistant Editor-in-Chief February 21, 2017

If only he knew How much I cared To sell my heart To lose my hair If only he knew How I slept at night Rolled in fright 'Tis my goodnight If only he knew How much I cared From...

Bitter Sweet Clarity

Marissa Hart, Assistant Editor-in-Chief February 21, 2017

You told me it would be ok So I just sat and prayed The bitter sweet melody Swept through my soul You told me it would be ok So I just watched the rain drop away Gazed at the moonlight I...

Frank Slavinsky writes about the difficulties of writing in English class.

An English Student’s Plea

Frank Slavinsky, Staff Writer February 16, 2017

Where is the life Where is the color Where is the character How can I write How can I think How can I make Here in this dull room Here in this dull space Here in this dull scape Write words of...

"Timeless Treasures" is an original poem by Elizabeth Gartland, sophomore.

Timeless Treasures

Elizabeth Gartland, Student Life Editor November 14, 2016

Bounce one, two, three, four as the ball goes up she smacks it to the floor. Her life a constant blizzard, a blur, never knowing what events might occur. Into the classroom she walked, she...

Poetry: Hello There, Dear

Charley Hrobsky, Creative Writer January 20, 2016

Hello there Dear, I want you to know I want to wait while you live your life. I’ll live mine over here in the corner just reading book after book. You go live yours. Travel the...

This Lullaby

Charley Hrobsky, Editorial Editor November 11, 2015

Sleep now Darling, whisk away from scraped knees bee stings that linger words of stones and sticks that cackle at you. Darling, sit high and proud in the willow tree sway...

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