
  1. taxonomy – noun

the science or technique of classification.

She studied the taxonomy of multiple species in South America.

  1. anatomy – noun

a study of the structure or internal workings of something.

The anatomy of a frog is very simplistic.

  1. genre – noun

a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.

Anna likes to listen to multiple different genres of music.

  1. renegade – noun

a person who behaves in a rebelliously unconventional manner.

A group of renegades came through and shook up the town.

  1. anarchistic – adjective

relating to or supporting anarchy or anarchists.

One of the presidential candidates had many anarchistic qualities.

  1. mainstream – adjective

belonging to or characteristic of a principal, dominant, or widely accepted group, movement, style, etc.

Nancy didn’t want to wear leggings because she thought it was too mainstream.

  1. cinephile – noun

viewers of films who pride themselves on expert opinions on the topic of cinema.

The film attracted many cinephiles.

  1. film buff – noun

moviegoers who appreciate and are knowledgeable about almost every film.

The film buff could talk about his favorite movies for hours.

  1. unambiguous – adjective

not open to more than one interpretation.

The film had an unambiguous message in it.

  1. superclass – noun

a taxonomic category that ranks above class and below phylum.

Tetrapods are an example of a superclass of species.

  1. franchise – noun

a set of creative works and related merchandise that share a fictional world, as films, television shows, books, or games.

The new movie was an addition to the Star Wars franchise.

  1. grossing – verb

producing or earning (an amount of money) as gross profit or income.

The blockbuster was grossing more than any other movie that year combined.

  1. façade – noun

an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality.

The celebrity put up a cheerful façade but was incredibly stressed on the inside.

  1. perpetuity – noun

the state of being perpetual.

Drew took his medication in perpetuity.

  1. imminent – adjective

likely to occur at any moment; impending.

It was imminent that the couple would die in the tall, rocky mountains.

  1. cumulatively – adverb

taken as a whole.

Each student’s grade is taken cumulatively for the whole year.

  1. infringing – verb

actively breaking the terms of (a law, code, agreement).

Recording a movie in a theater would be infringing on its copyright.

  1. sanctity – noun

the state or quality of being holy, sacred, etc.

A graveyard is a place of sanctity for many religious people.

  1. freedom of speech – noun

the right to express opinions without censorship or restraint.

Protestors can hold up handmade signs during protest because they have freedom of speech.

  1. innovative – adjective

advanced, original, creative in thinking.

For science class, Lily had to come up with an innovative way to make a glass jar flink in water.

  1. nature – noun

the basic or inherent features of something.

Little Brayden didn’t understand the nature of the situation.

  1. enigmatic – adjective

mysterious, difficult to interpret or understand.

The boy in Emily’s shop class who sat in the corner and never spoke was very enigmatic.

  1. contend – verb

to assert something as a position in an argument.

I contend that pineapple can be eaten on pizza.

  1. deem – verb

to regard or consider in a specified way.

The king deemed the prince of narnia unfit to marry his daughter.

  1. exclusively – adverb

only, solely.

Sharon exclusively drank diet soda.